Wednesday 2 September 2015

What's going on?

Hello there. It has been a little while as you can guess. So what's going on? Holiday's over, which means the 'normal' life begins again. With this, I mean school, training, after-school activities, jobs, etc. So as you can probably understand, I haven't had a lot of time to do some blogging. Because that is what it is about: time. For a moment, think about something that you really want. Then, think about something that you really want to avoid. Both of these things, probably involve time. Isn't it weird how our whole world revolves around 2 things: money and time (okay and maybe also the sun). So, back to where this is all about.

This is my second week at school and we are already bombed with assignments and homework. Luckily, with some planning I can manage it all just fine. Quite some things changed this year because everyone follows different classes and all the schedules are switched around. However, I love meeting new people and following my own path.

With school starting again, my hockeyseason started again as well, and what a start! We already did three matches just to get into the rhythm again and we won all three of them :) Now, I've got training two times a week and one match in the weekends. Being so busy with school and hockey, I'm letting the running rest for a little, since I don't want any injuries. This means running while be taken down a notch.

Furthermore, I have found some great recipes that I tried or still have to try, so I will definitely be updating some of those very soon! That's it for now, I will have to continue my homework haha!

What have you been doing recently, now that holiday's over?

Have a fruitful day! -x-

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