Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Recipe: quiche with salmon and prawns

Hai there! Today I will share with you a recipe that I encountered a time ago and I recently tried it out. Honestly, it tastes amazing! The two sorts of fish go really well together with all the spices. Admittedly, this is a recipe which is screaming summer. But, while the leaves are turning brown and yellow, and the rain pours down from the sky, I believe we are allowed to let a little summer into our lives!

What you will need (one quiche):
  • 8 pieces of puff paste
  • 300 grams of salmon
  • 100 grams of Dutch prawns
  • 3 eggs
  • 200 ml of creme fraiche
  • a few branches of dill
  • a few branches of chives
  • 2 spring onions
  • cake tin
  1. Preheat the oven on 200 degrees Celsius
  2. Cover the cake tin with the puff paste
  3. Cut the salmon in pieces and divide over the bottom together with the prawns
  4. Blend the eggs with the creme fraiche, spices, salt and pepper and pour this mixture over the fish
  5. Put the quiche in the oven for about 20 minutes
As you might have noticed, it is a very simple recipe without much fuss.
Please let me know if you tried out this delicious recipe! What is your favourite type of quiche?
Enjoy today! -x-

Sunday, 25 October 2015

Autumn has arrived!!

Hello, it has been quite a long time! I decided to start writing again, at the end of my autumn holiday, simply because my fingers and my mind were thrilling to start writing. This post will be about the new season. I usually think autumn is all about rain, rain and more boring rain (especially in the Netherlands). But in the last few weeks I have encountered some beautiful personalities autumn also holds.

Since two weeks we have a new family member: our dog Rocky. He is a labrador Retriever and he is just so sweet. During the holiday I have spent quite some time with him in the forest playing and wondering. He already feels like my best buddy! During these walks there is enough time to take a step back, enjoy the moment and wonder. Taking different routes through the forest, I have encountered many different nature views which just make my day! I don't have many pictures because "Live for the moment, not for the memories".

The autumn season also brings many new types of food. During this season, I love working with pumpkins, apples, kale, different types of lettuce, potatoes, etc. As you might have already guessed, there will be a delicious autumn recipe posted soon!

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Recipe: homemade pizza

Hi there! Today I will share with you a really easy and fun recipe. Pizza is of course not known for being healthy, but making it yourself is actually healthier and a lot more fun! You can pretty much make the pizza the way you like it, with toppings of your own choice. I will share with you how I made it, but it is up to you to change it.

What you will need (1 portion):

  • 2 slices of puffed pastry
  • 2 slices of gammon
  • 4 aspergus
  • 10 black olives
  • a handful of pizzacheese 
  • italian species
Optionally, you can make the tomatosauce yourself, like I did, for this you will need:
  • 7 small tomatoes
  • a handful of rocket lettuce
  • salt and pepper
  1. For the sauce, put the tomatoes, rocket lettuce and some salt and pepper in a blender and blend until you have a sauce
  2. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees Celsius
  3. Place the puffed pastry next to each other and spread with the tomatosauce
  4. Add the gammon, aspergus and black olives
  5. Finish with a handful of pizzacheese and some italian seasoning
  6. Put in the oven for about 20 minutes
  7. Ready to serve!
It doesn't get any easier! What are your favourite ingredients, to put on top of your pizza? I would love to read a comment from you. Have a wonderful day -x-

Saturday, 3 October 2015

Recipe: tagliatelle with pesto-salmonsauce and oventomatoes

I love how with a season dissapearing a new season comes delivering new colours, new weather and new food. I enjoy cooking with ingredients that are typical for a season because you are sure they are fresh and they just give that little extra spark to that dish. This time of the year, with its cold mornings and warm afternoons I love making pasta. The great thing about pasta is that it is such a wide range of different recipes that you can experiment with. You can make a very light pasta but also a pastabomb full of flavours.

My brother and I were home-alone yesterday and we decided to go with some easy pasta with a nice pesto-salmonsauce. Paired with this we decided to go for oventomatoes because with the right ingredients the flavours marry together really well. All really easy to prepare and absolutely wonderful for your tastebuds!

What you will need (2 portions):

  • 250 grams of tagliatelle
  • a cup of sour cream
  • 2 tbsp of green pesto
  • 5 sun-dried tomatoes
  • 15 cherrytomatoes
  • balsamico vinegar
  • italian spices
  • basil
  • 100 grams of smoked salmon
  1. Cook the tagliatelle following the instructions on the wrapper
  2. Meanwhile, pre-heat the oven on 190 degrees celsius
  3. Put the cherrytomatoes in a bowl and add a splash of balsamico vinegar
  4. Add some italian spices and some basil to the bowl and put in the oven for 20 minutes
  5. Cut the sun-dried tomatoes into small piece as well as the salmon
  6. Put the sour cream, sun-dried tomatoes and pesto into a pan and stir until the flavours have all maried together
  7. Optionally, add some pepper to the sauce
  8. Place the salmon onto the plates and add the tagliatelle
  9. Put the sauce on top of the tagliatelle and finish with some oventomatoes
  10. Ready to serve!
Please leave a comment telling your opinion about this recipe. Also, what is your favourite dish, during this time of the year? Have a rocking day! -x-